
College Judo team participated in inter college judo tournament for the session 2024-2025.


college Olympic Weightlifting team and their achievements for the session 2024-2025.

 This is a great pleasure to share with all of you that our college Olympic Weightlifting  team seured overall 3rd position in all Delhi University Inter college 🏋️‍♂️weightlifting championship2024. The team won three sliver Medals  and two Bronze Medials in the competition. The competition was held at Ramanujan college, University of Delhi from 20- 21 November 2024. Also it is the first time that a girl from our college participated in the competition  55kg Aakash- 3rd 61kg Mohit- 2nd  81kg Tushar- 3rd 89kg Nikunj- 2nd 96kg Asmit- 2nd  

College Student Aryan Dhaiya participated in North zone inter university cricket tournament for the session 2024-25

 It is a great pleasure to share with you that our college cricket team member Aryan Dhaiya of BA(Prog) 2nd year  represented Delhi University cricket team in North Zone Inter University cricket tournament for the session 2024-25. The Delhi University team secured first position ( Gold Medal ) in this tournament. In the history of PGDAV College Evening he is the first student to achieve this glory. He has a dream to Play IPL. I am sharing some glimpses of the Prize distribution function.

Inter College Cricket Team for the session 2024-2025.


Notice for annual sports meet on 5th march 2025.


Invitation to participate in 30-day fitness challenge.
